
1925San Antonio Junior College founded.
1954Brown V. Board of Education declares "seperate but equal" unconstitutional.
1955San Antonio College and St. Philips College are desegregated. First two African American students enroll in summer classes at SAC in June 1955.
1966July 4, 1966: Farmworkers begin historic march from Rio Grande Valley to Austin
1967MAYO is formed at St. Mary's College.
1968Maldef is founded in San Antonio, Texas. March 3, 1968 - L.A. School Walkouts
La universidad de los Barrios is founded.
1969Students organize a moratorium at San Pedro Park to protest the Vietnam war. Around 500 people attended. El Plan de Santa Barbara and MEChA are created in San ta Barbara, California.
1970January 17, 1970: Raza Unida Party Forms
April 10, 1970: Jose Angel Gutierrez speaks at SAC.
April 24, 1970: SAC student, Jose Luis Rodriguez, submits a request to Student Council for approval of a MAYO chapter on campus.
May 7, 1970: SAC Students demonstate in response to the killing of four students at Kent State University.
June 19, 1970: The first issue of the local Chicano Newspaper, the Chicano Times, is printed. Founder and Editor of the paper is Jose Luis Rodriguez, a SAC student.
a Mexican American History Course, taught by Professor Johnny McCain begins in the fall.
November 20, 1970: A MEChA chapter is organized at SAC and approved by Student Council in December.
1971Rosie Castro, William Benavides and Mario Compean speak at SAC. Event sponsored by SAC Young Democrats
SAC student Felipe Reyes and art Professor Mel Casas create Con Safos, a Chicano art group.July 1: 26th Amendment ratified, lowering voting age to 18.
Carlos Guerra, MAYO national chair, speaks at SAC to a group of 100 after an invitation from SAC MEChA
November: Black Student Union is approved by Student Representative Assemblage as an offical SAC organization. (After 1.5 years and 5 attempts)
1972SAC MEChA sposors a voter registration event on campus.Ramsey Muniz runs for Texas Governor under Raza Unida Party
October: Ramsey Muniz speaks at SAC. Evented hosted by SAC MEChAFarah Pants Strike in El Paso, Texas leads to a national Boycott
SAC Student Representative Assemblage votes to support the United Farm Workers by boycotting lettuce. The assemblage also agrees to send a letter to Our Lady of the Lake University, asking that a Mexican American president replace the current, retiring president.
1973The SRA is visited by a Farah boycotter who seeks the assemblages support for the strikers and boycott.
1974March 22, 1974: the SAC chapter of UMAS holds its first meeting on campus.Ramsey Muniz runs for Texas Governor a 2nd time.
The Chicano Times reports on the firing of three Chicano Special Services staff members
UMAS students running for SRA form the Raza Joven Ticket in order to follow new SRA protocol in which candidates cannot campaign using a campus organization name.
November 8, 1974: YSA holds a rally in front of Moody Learning Center, protesting the deportation of undocumented workers in the United States.
The SAC SRA passes a reolution in support of the Farah Boycott.
1978In the Regents of UC California V. Bakke case, the supreme court rules affirmitive action constitutional, but quota systems unconstitutional.
1980Reagen Administration begins.