1974 – 1980 SAC UMAS

SAC UMAS 1974 - 1980

United Mexican American Students - The Beginning

The United Mexican American students (UMAS) of SAC were founded in 1974, just a year after reports of MEChA disappeared from the Ranger Student Newspaper.  In October of ’74, UMAS member, Andy Gonzalez, describes the UMAS organization as follows: 

“Our purpose is to help Chicanos relate more to societyas a whole, to increase education and to raise promisies on a politcal level.”

In 1975, Raquel Torres, UMAS Vice President, explains the essance of UMAS as:

“…an organization among the people, and a movement in La Raza.” 

Throughout the mid to late 70’s, UMAS would participate in a range of events and causes, culminating in the administrative approval for a revision to the Equal Opportunity Clause appearing in the SAC catalog in 1979. The group would at times collaborate with other organizations on campus, such as the National Chicano Health Organization (NCHO), the Black Student Union (BSU) and the Young Socialists Alliance (YSA), or even outside organizations such as the St. Philips Mestizos. 

More info coming soon ——  Visit this storymap for more!! ——————–